

Master Safety Professional (MSP)

An MSP is an individual with high-level specialist and strategic skills.  They are likely to be involved in the development and implementation of a comprehensive facility-wide or corporate safety and health program and are influential with senior management and policymakers.  Their perspective embraces the broader organizational and social context.


Certified Safety Director (CSD)

A CSD is involved in problem solving and application of strategy; their advice is based on conceptual and technical knowledge mediated by training and experience, analysis of evidence, and critical thought. They understand how to use and access the evidence base and value professional collaboration. They are capable of working with minimal supervision and usually give direction to others.

About our Certifications

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program, overseen by the NASPCB, aims to support workplace safety professionals by offering the Certified Safety Director (CSD)® and Master Safety Professional (MSP)® certifications. These certifications, accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) under the ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standard for personnel certification programs, recognize professionals who demonstrate competence in identifying and mitigating workplace safety risks. To obtain these certifications, individuals must meet eligibility requirements, pass a rigorous exam, adhere to recertification processes, and comply with ethical and professional standards and agreements set by NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB).


Benefits & Earning



The Certified Safety Director (CSD)® and Master Safety Professional (MSP)® certifications enhance workplace safety by establishing professional credibility and are preferred by many organizations. These certifications show commitment to industry standards and ongoing education, offering a competitive edge and providing new techniques and transferable skills like training, discipline, and communication.



Professional certifications can lead to higher salaries. Companies value certified individuals for their expertise, as shown in the 2020 EHS Salary Survey: professionals without certifications earn an average of $84,200 annually, those with one certification earn $96,260, and those with two or more certifications average $109,360, demonstrating the financial advantages of certification.



The MSP and CSD Prep Courses provide an interactive learning experience designed to prepare users for MSP and CSD exams. Each training module addresses the knowledge, skills, and abilities found within the NASP Certification Exam Blueprints while teaching the essentials necessary for today’s health and safety professionals.



The primary purpose of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program under the guidance and oversight of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB), the credentialing arm of NASP/IASP, Inc., is to provide workplace safety professionals a certification program to assist them in carrying out their safety-related functions with confidence and proven competence.  This purpose is achieved by providing the CSD and MSP accredited certifications under ISO/IEC Standard 17024:2012 General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons, as administered in the U.S. by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). The Master Safety Professional (MSP) and Certified Safety Director (CSD) credentials are accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) under ISO/IEC Standard 17024:2012 General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons. The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program identifies and recognizes workplace safety professionals who have demonstrated the competencies necessary to recognize and mitigate potential safety concerns in the workplace. The Certified Safety Director (CSD) and the Master Safety Professional (MSP) Certifications define the competency requirements of workplace safety professionals. Individuals who earn the CSD and MSP have demonstrated their knowledge and competency in the area of workplace safety and are dedicated to upholding high standards of ethical and professional practice.  To earn either certification requires individuals to meet specified eligibility requirements, pass a rigorous exam, meet the recertification requirements, and uphold the Certificant's Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Agreement, Candidate's Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement, and Criminal Conviction and Unethical Behavior Agreement as set forth by the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board.

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board (NASPCB) is a separately functioning entity established to oversee the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program and to separate the roles and responsibilities between the NASP/IASP, Inc. Board of Directors and the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program to maintain impartiality and neutrality. The Certification Board operates independently to establish and uphold high standards of competence for workplace safety professionals, to evaluate professionals against those standards, and to increase safety in the workplace through the CSD and MSP credentials.

With strategic oversight from the Executive Board, the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Board was established to set the standards and qualifications for individuals who practice specific disciplines within the workplace safety profession; to establish voluntary certification testing of applicants who meet or exceed the training, educational, and professional experience requirements set by the Certification Board; to annually review, and if necessary, revise the standards and qualifications, as well as the Board's provisions in the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program Operations Manual and NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program Candidate Handbook.

NASP/IASP, Inc.'s Master Safety Professional (MSP)® and Certified Safety Director (CSD)® credentials are accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). These certifications are accredited under the ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standard for personnel certification programs.
Click here to learn more about the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program. If you have questions, contact the Certification Personnel by calling 800-922-2219 or by emailing [email protected]. Click here here to view the ANAB Certificate of Accreditation.

Click here for information on ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB)

The purpose of the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program for the CSD and MSP Certifications is to establish international standards for certification in the workplace safety profession; to provide recognition of qualified individuals; to afford a guarantee to employers that certified personnel have attained stated education and experience qualifications.  Earning the CSD or MSP Certification also provides professionals with a competitive edge in the workplace, having completed the recognized core competencies for workplace safety.

The CSD and ASP certifications share a few similarities; both certifications:

  • Are accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) under the ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standard General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons
  • Have a thorough application process
  • Have predetermined educational and experiential requirements
  • Consist of sit-down examinations proctored by a third-party
  • Require recertification to maintain certification

The CSD separates itself from the ASP in the following ways:

Qualified Credential: The CSD requires a qualified credential listed within the CSD Eligibility Track. Click here to view the CSD Eligibility Track.

Education: NASP recognizes that some workplace safety professionals may not have obtained the higher education or math and engineering skills required or are in the process of doing so, which restricts them from earning certain credentials such as the ASP (or other well-known certifications.) Yet their years of experience, vast knowledge in the industry, and hands-on practical approach to workplace safety left a clear opportunity for NASP to develop the CSD to validate and acknowledge these individuals. Click here to see the CSD eligibility track to see if you qualify.

Body of Knowledge: While both exams cover similar bodies of knowledge, the CSD prides itself on being the practicing safety professional's certification. What does this mean exactly? The CSD exam focuses on practical workplace safety knowledge that you, as a professional, use daily to keep your employees safe. The CSD exam focuses less on science and mathematics and more on the laws and consensus standards that you, as a safety professional, work with every day. 39.28% of the exam blueprint covers Laws and Standards. Only 3.71% of the exam blueprint covers Science and Mathematics. Click here to review the CSD examination blueprint.


  • The ASP is a 5-hour exam and consists of 200 questions.
  • The CSD is a 3-hour exam and consists of 150 questions.


  • The ASP is $160 (application fee) + $350 (examination fee). The ASP does not require a recertification fee; however, the ASP requires a $170 annual renewal fee.
  • The CSD is $75 (application fee) + $395 (examination fee includes one retake exam). The CSD requires a $195 recertification fee. This fee is not due until the end of the 3-year cycle.

Click here to see the full CSD fee structure.

CEUs and Recertification:

  • The ASP requires Certificants to obtain 25 recertification points per 5-year cycle. These points can be earned through 10 activity categories. BCSP measures all acceptable activities in terms of recertification points. Certain activities state maximum points allowed amount per cycle or per year, while there are no limits to other activities. The ASP does not require a recertification fee; however, the ASP requires a $180 annual renewal fee.
  • The CSD requires Certificants to complete 4.8 CEUs* over a 3-year certification cycle (1.6 CEUs per year), which equals 48 hours of contact time (16 hours per year). The MSP requires a $195 recertification fee due at the end of the 3-year cycle. To view the CSD recertification requirements, click here.

*Continuing Education Units (CEUs) One (1) CEU, which is the equivalent to ten (10) hours of instruction, equals one (1) recertification point.

The MSP and CSP certifications share a few similarities; both certifications:

  • Are accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) under the ISO/IEC 17024:2012 standard General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons
  • Have a thorough application process
  • Require previously-obtained qualified credentials
  • Have predetermined educational and experiential requirements
  • Consist of sit-down examinations proctored by a third-party
  • Require recertification to maintain certification

The MSP separates itself from the CSP in the following ways:

Education: NASP recognizes that some workplace safety professionals may not have obtained the higher education or math and engineering skills required, or are in the process of doing so, which restricts them from earning certain credentials such as the CSP (or other well-known certifications.) Yet their years of experience, vast knowledge in the industry, and hands-on practical approach to workplace safety left a clear opportunity for NASP to develop the MSP to validate and acknowledge these individuals. Click here to see the MSP’s eligibility track to see if you qualify.

Body of Knowledge: While both exams cover similar bodies of knowledge, the MSP prides itself on being the practicing safety professional’s certification. What does this mean exactly? The MSP exam focuses on practical workplace safety knowledge that you, as a professional, use daily to keep your employees safe. The MSP exam focuses less on science, mathematics, and engineering and more on the laws and consensus standards that you, as a safety professional, work with every day. 42.44% of the exam blueprint covers Laws and Standards. Only 4.10% of the exam blueprint covers Science and Mathematics. Click here to review the MSP examination blueprint.


  • The CSP is a 5.5-hour exam and consists of 200 questions.
  • The MSP is a 3-hour exam and consists of 150 questions.


  • The CSP is $160 (application fee) + $350 (examination fee). The CSP does not require a recertification fee; however, the CSP requires a $180 annual renewal fee.
  • The MSP is $75 (application fee) + $450 (examination fee includes one retake exam). The MSP requires a $250 recertification fee. This fee is not due until the end of the 3-year cycle.

       Click here to see the full MSP fee structure.

 CEUs and Recertification:

  • The CSP requires Certificants to obtain 25 recertification points per 5-year cycle. These points can be earned through 10 activity categories. BCSP measures all acceptable activities in terms of recertification points. Certain activities state maximum points allowed amount per cycle or per year, while there are no limits to other activities. The CSP does not require a recertification fee; however, the CSP requires a $180 annual renewal fee.
  • The MSP requires Certificants to complete 4.8 CEUs* over a 3-year certification cycle (1.6 CEUs per year), which equals 48 hours of contact time (16 hours per year). The MSP requires a $350 recertification fee due at the end of the 3-year cycle. To view the MSP recertification requirements, click here.

*Continuing Education Units (CEUs) One (1) CEU, which is the equivalent to ten (10) hours of instruction, equals one (1) recertification point.

An MSP is an individual with high-level specialist and strategic skills.  They are likely to be involved in the development and implementation of a comprehensive facility-wide or corporate safety and health program and are influential with senior management and policymakers.  Their perspective embraces the broader organizational and social context. The MSP is the highest of the two designations. A CSD is involved in problem solving and application of strategy; their advice is based on conceptual and technical knowledge mediated by training and experience, analysis of evidence, and critical thought. They understand how to use and access the evidence base and value professional collaboration. They are capable of working with minimal supervision and usually give direction to others.

Individuals are not required to take the CSD exam to apply for eligibility and sit for the MSP exam. Individuals who do not qualify to sit for the MSP exam may first apply for the CSD exam and, upon eligibility, successfully pass the CSD exam and have the option to apply for eligibility to sit for the MSP exam.

Candidates taking the MSP examination must meet one of the required tracks of eligibility.

Candidates taking the CSD examination must meet one of the required tracks of eligibility.

NASP/IASP, Inc. offers and accepts certificate courses as prerequisites to be eligible to take the CSD or MSP examination. All the courses listed are natural progressive steps in the education and training of workplace safety professionals and are not a requirement. Click here for more information.

NASP/IASP, Inc. offers the Certified Safety Director (CSD) Preparation Course and the Master Safety Professional (MSP) Preparation Course as optional preparation courses to prepare for the CSD or MSP examinations.  These courses are an optional way for potential Certificants to gain required knowledge in sitting for the CSD or MSP examinations. Click here for more information.

Application Fee $75 Exam Fee (Includes 2 Exam Attempts) $395 Recertification Fee (every 3 years) $195 For a comprehensive Certified Safety Director (CSD) pricing list, click here.

Application Fee $75 Exam Fee (Includes 2 Exam Attempts) $450 Recertification Fee (every 3 years) $250 For a comprehensive Master Safety Professional (MSP) pricing list, click here.

VA Benefits

The CSD and MSP exams are eligible for GI Bill® reimbursement. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) cannot issue reimbursement for other fees connected with obtaining a license or certification. Payment is issued after you submit proof of payment, etc., to the VA. Please note NASP does not determine or guarantee an individual’s eligibility for reimbursement.

“GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Click here for more information.

DOD COOL Program

The Department of Defense (DOD) Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL) program recognizes the CSD and MSP credentials. The DOD Branch-Specific COOL Sites and DOD Civilian COOL contain resources and information on credentialing and available funding resources and/or credentialing assistance. Each Service has separate policies regarding what it pays for (Credential Preparation, Initial Credential Attainment, Credential Maintenance and Renewal).

Click here for more information.

For A Complete Guide to Certification, click here.

You can find all forms for the Certification Program by clicking here.

You can find all policies for the Certification Program by clicking here.

Payments must be paid using a VISA, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express credit card.  Payments must be processed through the NASP Student Portal and the Learning Management System.

All fees are non-transferable, non-refundable, and subject to change.

Applications must be completed and submitted within one year from the creation date, or data will be lost and deleted. Once submitted, the NASPCB will review applications. Applicants must create an account or have an account to apply. If you do not have an LMS Course and Membership Login, please create an account in the NASP Student Portal. If you already have an LMS Course and Membership Login, please use your current LMS Login Credentials to access the NASP Student Portal. Click here to access your LMS Course and Membership Login. What happens once I apply? The NASPCB will notify applicants with one of the following results within 7-10 business days:
  • Approved Eligibility
  • Additional Information Required
  • Denied Eligibility

Candidates must purchase an exam option, register, and sit for the exam within one (1) year of their approval of eligibility date. Candidates will have an option within the last 60 days of eligibility to purchase a 90-day eligibility extension.

If a candidate does not purchase an exam option, register, and sit for the exam, within their eligibility, they will be required to reapply for eligibility and pay all applicable fees.

Both the CSD and MSP exams are proctored exams and offered via computer-based testing (CBT). The exams are comprised of 150 multiple-choice questions. Each candidate is given 3 hours to complete the exam. The exams will include a few unscored test questions. These test questions will not be counted toward your test score and are included to gather statistics that will permit us to evaluate the quality of the questions for use on future test forms.

A valid credentialing examination must have a defensible passing score. A panel of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) reviewed each examination under the direction of the examination contractor’s psychometrician and used the classical test theory (CTT), a statistical equating methodology, to determine a passing point for each examination. It was determined the minimum passing score is 500 with the maximum possible score of 800. The minimum possible score is 200.

The NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program requires applicants to select one of two options during the application process. The NASPCB third-party examination contractor Kryterion will administer the exam. Testing options include:
  • Kryterion Onsite Testing
  • Online Proctoring (OLP) through Kryterion
Click here to find information on registering, scheduling, finding a location, and preparing for your exam.

For information on the Exam Rescheduling Policy, click here.

For information on the Exam No-Show Policy, click here.

  1. The score report will be visible to the candidate on the screen upon completion of the exam.
  2. An email will be sent from Kryterion upon exam completion to the candidate's email on file. The email includes the score report and performance in each category of the examination. An individual should contact the NASPCB Certification Personnel directly at 800-922-2219 if an email is not received.
  3. Candidate exam results are available to the Certification Board for review.
  4. Results of the candidate's score are uploaded to the NASP Student Portal Account.
  5. The NASPCB sends an email communication to the candidate with information on the results of the pass-fail result.

Candidates have the option to retake the exam one (1) time within their eligibility period if the first attempt does not result in passing the exam. Candidates must wait thirty (30) days from the date of their first examination to sit for the Retake Exam. This option will be available through their NASP Student Portal Account once the thirty (30) day waiting period has passed. If the individual does not successfully pass the examination after two exam attempts, they may reapply as a new applicant for the certification after one (1) year from the day of the last exam. They must meet all eligibility requirements and pay the associated fees.

To maintain the professional competence of workplace safety professionals beyond their initial certification, a recertification process is necessary. CSD and MSP Certificants must continue to demonstrate competency to maintain their certification. Certificants must show evidence of competence through professional development, activities, and successful completion of the appropriate courses through obtaining Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Click here for the Recertification Requirements for the MSP. Click here for the Recertification Requirements for the CSD.

Documentation of CEUs for non-NASP/IASP, Inc. courses or conferences must be uploaded to the Certificant’s NASP Student Portal account on or before the Certification expiration date as indicated on the Certificant’s MSP Certification and NASP Student Portal account.

Click here for instructions on how to upload external training for CEUs.

Please Note: Any NASP course purchased and completed within the recertification cycle will automatically upload and record the CEUs on the Certificant’s NASP Student Portal Account.

A 90-day grace period is offered to those who fail to meet the Recertification Requirements expiration date noted on the Certificant’s Certificate and NASP Student Portal. Should a Certificant fail to recertify within the initial recertification period, the Certificant will be required to complete the CEU requirements within the 90-day grace period and make a payment through the NASP Student Portal. Once the student has completed the Recertification Requirements, the Student Portal will reflect the new Recertification Cycle. Please note if submitting CEUs during the 90-day grace period, any courses (CEUs) completed during this timeframe will not count or carry over towards the next recertification cycle. If a Certificant is within the 90-Day Grace period for recertification, the Certification Personnel will contact the issuer and verify external CEUs submitted for recertification using the Certificant name, course title, certificate number, and issuer information. Certificants who fail to maintain their certification requirements will be required to reapply for eligibility, pay the application fee, pay the exam fee, and take the examination If the individual does not successfully pass the examination after two exam attempts, they may reapply as a new applicant for the certification after one (1) year from the day of the last exam. They must meet all eligibility requirements and pay the associated fees. Should a Certificant fall within the expiration category, the CSD & MSP Directory will reflect the Certificant Profile status of expired.

To see those who currently hold the CSD or MSP Credential, click here.

Should you have questions or need assistance regarding the NASP/IASP, Inc. Certification Program, we are here to assist you! You may reach us at [email protected] or by calling 800-922-2219 and ask for the Certification Personnel.



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