Confined Space Entry & Rescue Train-the-Trainer

The 40 Hour Confined Space Entry & Rescue – Train-The-Trainer classroom course will be on June 7th-11th, 2021. This intense five-day course will feature tons of practical rescue scenarios, including using a 48-foot trailer with 27 different simulated rescue scenarios (both entry and non-entry). The first day of class will be a review of the standard, but the following three and a half days will be all rescue with a final exam on the last day of class. This is going to be highly hands-on, so be ready to break a sweat.
Confined Space Entry & Rescue Train-the-Trainer Topics Include:
- Definition of Confined Space (three elements)
- Examples & Assessment Procedures
- Concept of Isolation (Lockout Tagout, blanking and blinding)
- Hazardous Atmospheres (oxygen, flammables, toxic, dust)
- Atmospheric Monitoring & Associated Equipment
- Environmental Hazards & Engulfment Hazards
- Confined Space Configurations
- Elements of a Permit (issuance, use, restrictions, and record-keeping)
- Entrant, Attendant, Supervisor, Rescue Service Members
- Personal Protective Equipment (including use of SCBA)
- Non-entry Rescue Equipment and Procedures (tripods and other extrication devices)
- Vertical Entries (basic repelling systems)
- Horizontal Entries (non-line of sight rescues)
- Entry Equipment (winch/davit, mechanical advantage systems, others)
Click here now for more information and to register. Use the coupon code CSRTTT2110 at the checkout to save 10%. There are currently only five seats available, so register now.